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20th Anniversary Remembrance Edition 9/11 Memorial Coloring Book
MSRP: $6.99
Price: $3.99
You Save: $3.00 (43 %)
Item Number: SCB-WSNF20
ISBN: 978-1-61953-460-5 UPC: 8 22754 34605 8
Each Case 12 books 44 pages (8.5" x 11")
08-26-2021 St. Louis, MO: 20th Anniversary Remembrance Edition 9/11 Memorial coloring book graphic novel released by Really Big Coloring Books®, Inc.
Wayne Bell Publisher, Founder-CEO, announces release of the graphic novel “We Shall Never Forget 9/11 The Kids Book of Freedom 20th Anniversary Remembrance Edition”.
“In 2011 our company respectfully published the 2011 book “We Shall Never Forget 9/11 the Kids Book of Freedom”. It sold and shipped to over 90 countries. It and other books publish were officially entered into the 9/11 Memorial Museum Collections and Exhibitions Archival Records. As any factually accurate media piece or book on the 9/11 event, it was met with love and hate. With dignity and respect, we examined the terror attacks of 9/11. We do this in print to memorialize so youth and adults have a valid record of the events in book form. This can help youth and adult cope and understand the horrible truth. Naturally, U.S. labelled terror groups like CIAR, Al Qaeda, ISIS etc. always take exception to fact-based truth telling of their heinous crimes”, stated Bell. “
“We have a motto, a trademark”, continued Bell: Tell the Truth, Tell it Often and Tell the Children”. Hiding the truth or facts is never a good idea he said. The new book is 8.5 x 11 sized, near 50 pages, printed with a high-end glossy cover and quality inside pages. The book has color photos, games, activities, and pages in which to color or paint. It also has pages on what freedom means to Americans, color photos of every 9/11 hijacker is included. Now available on the company website for only $6.99 and available online everywhere. “Nothing but the pure facts, including the horrific faces of the 9/11 murderous crew of Osama Bin Laden”, Bell continued.
Really Big Coloring Books®, Inc., headquartered in St. Louis, MO, is a multi-national company providing books, coloring books, musical products, and other paper products. The company holds membership in industry organizations including The Missouri Press Association, System for Award Management for the U.S. Govt. (SAM), promotional products groups, SAGE, ASI, and PPAI, The International Book Publishers Assoc. (IBPA), American Book Publishers Association and other industry leading groups. The company is a Member of the Library of Congress Copyright Office in book and music publishing.
1-314-695-5757 for more information or visit .
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